Nothing makes you friends faster in a new crowd than arriving with a giant plate of chocolate dipped strawberries! If they are loaded with alcohol, all the better! (I do however, label them and offer some unleaded ones for people who may not be imbibing.)
They are really easy to make. Not so easy to photograph. When I took the pictures we had just taken them out of the fridge so they are frosty looking, not the shiny lovely photographed ones you see advertised. They taste great. We took approx 40 giant strawberries to the party and came home with…NONE.
A word of caution: The food injector we bought had a huge needle and I thought it would make too big of a hole in the strawberries so we got one of the still sealed and sterile 18 gauge needles used for baby animals or diabetics (ironic hum?). It worked great until I stabbed myself in the finger with Gran Marnier. It HURT. It STILL HURTS.
Since then several people have told me that the big fat ones don’t stab you as easily. I think I would still use the small one for aesthetics. I just might have my husband do the injecting J.